Happy hormones, healthy periods, optimal fertility

As an herbalist, hormones- and fertility coach, vaginal steam facilitator and bioresonance practitioner I’m in the business of healing menstrual cycles.

My mission is to invite you to fall in love with your period and your cycle. What love song do you play to your ovaries? 

I invite you to effortlessly take back the power and responsibility for each day of your cycle; to protect and cherish the miracle of ovulation and fertility even when you don’t long for a pregnancy. 

When you fall in love with your cycle you start to view menstruation as a sign of vitality and health. You start to understand the story your cycle tells you (is it whispering or shouting?). You might have been told that period pain or PMS is normal. It’s not. It’s your body telling you that something is out of balance.

I’m here to remind you that the ebb and flow of estrogen (yin) and progesteron (yang) during your cycle is pure intelligence – not a mistake. Having a menstrual cycle should not be akin to punishment.

When I work with you I speak the language of the Huntress. I listen with all my senses to the story of your cycle. Together we hunt for the pieces of your new story: images, healing herbs, poetry, new habits, tea rituals, healing impulses. What foods nurture this new story? What change needs to take place so that the new story can be a love story? (A story in which you love your cycle, your womb, your blood?) What does this landscape look like? What’s the season like? We collect the pieces for your new story, your new reality.

When your menstrual cycle flourishes, when you live in harmony with it and you don’t fight it, you have the energy to fully own your dharma. You can start a revolution (or change diapers – whatever it is that your sacred mission is at the moment).


I give you practical self-help tools so that you can have a flourishing relationship with your cycle and optimal fertility. We talk nutrition, cycle syncing life style, supplements, moon-time teas, pelvic steam plans. I offer: 

Fertility Coaching: I take you through a 12 weeks process called The Hormone PUZZLE Method. E-mail me to book a free discovery call.

Vaginal Steam Consultations: Tailor made steam plan and herbal formula based on a menstrual cycle analysis.

DUTCH-test analysis

Let me know if you’re interested in checking your hormones with a funcitional medicine test.


I combine everything I have learned (modern and ancient) to support your flourishing.

“When I started working with Alessandra my FSH and LH levels showed that I was going into menopause. This was a shock of course, considering my wish to conceive. A few months later, after having implemented the dietary changes and started the supplement scheme as well as vaginal steaming, my FSH was showing that ovulation was taking place. I also had digestive problems, since I was a baby really, and they have improved so much now. Now I know my digestion has an impact on my hormones.

Alessandra taught me so much I never heard about. Vaginal steaming, herbs, vitamins, how to get to know my menstrual cycles. The first steaming was such a relief! I can highly recommend starting with it.

Now I am so much more in contact with the female wisdom of my body, my cycles – as a result I can trust my body again and empower and bless her.

But Alessandra not only taught me to understand the language of my body. She also guided me to places where I would not have gone alone because of pain and shame. She was there with love, strength and tenderness.

Alessandra has a wonderful combination of knowledge, wisdom, femininity, nurturing, awareness and connection to nature, intuition and love.

The best part about working with her is that all different aspects are seen and considered during the sessions - my soul, my body, my heart and my mind.” - Mirjam